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Getting Unstuck! Procrastination Busting Techniques with Dr Rosemary Doyle

Everyone procrastinates. The question is, how much does it undermine your performance? This course will provide you with some insights into your personal procrastination pitfalls and provide you with techniques to counteract these tendencies

June 24, 2024
Graduate School (TR7)
13:30 - 16:30

Chronic procrastination can limit your success, whatever your talents and expertise. Additionally, it can undermine your self-belief and confidence. Honestly assessing your procrastination tendencies and taking steps to reduce procrastination and overcome it when it strikes will help you manage your time better, produce better quality work, and reduce stress.

This course will teach simple, quick tricks to deal with procrastination when it strikes. By the end of the session, you will have acquired a toolbox of techniques that will ensure you can effectively deal with procrastination and over time reduce your tendency to procrastinate, leaving you more productive and more confident in your ability to get work done on time.

Meet the Speaker: Dr Rosemary Doyle has worked with organisations since 1993 devising and delivering training, research, consultancy and 1:1 coaching. She has been training for over 20-years, 15 of which within the HEI and HE sector. She specialises in Team Working, Communication, DiSC® Behavioural Profiling, Personal/Team Leadership, Personal/Team Development, Positive Psychology, Change, Resilience, and Managing/Motivating staff for groups and individuals.

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