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Soapbox Science Belfast 2024

The Faculties of Engineering and Physical Sciences and Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, in collaboration with PETRONAS is bringing Soapbox Science to Belfast on Sunday 23rd June 2024. This is our fifth successful event in Northern Ireland.

Soapbox Science
June 23, 2024
Outside the Ulster Museum in Botanic Gardens
13:00 - 16:00

Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women and non-binary scientists and the science they do. 

The Belfast event will transform the public area outside The Ulster Museum into an arena for public learning and scientific debate. With Soapbox Science, we want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy, learn from, heckle, question, probe, interact with and be inspired by some of our leading scientists.

No middle man, no PowerPoint slides, no amphitheatre – just remarkable women and non-binary scientists who are there to amaze you with their latest discoveries and to answer the science questions you have been burning to ask, questions like where do our minds wander to and whyand what happens after you flush and do stars hiccup….or simply listen to them talk about what fascinates them and why they think they have the most fantastic job in the world!

This year Soapbox Science Belfast will take place outside the Ulster Museum in Botanic Gardens on Sunday 23rd June from 1 to 4 pm. Please contact Nicola Minish ( for further information.

Event type
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences
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Event Organiser Details
Name Nicola Minish