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From reserved Ghanian boy to stand out leader

As a reserved young boy growing up in a small town in Ghana, Edmund Afari has always dreamed of studying at Queen’s University and had just about given up on it when he got an email that he says, changed his life.

Edmund Afari.

Edmund is the first in his family of seven to get a place at university: “My journey to Queen’s started when on one normal evening, I received a mail offering me a fully funded scholarship to study at Queen's University Belfast. I was so surprised because I had waited long and thought I wouldn't get it.”  

Edmund arrived in Belfast and settled into Queen’s Accommodation where he began to make friends and take part in some University organised trips to get to know Belfast and Northern Ireland. 

Whilst he describes himself as a natural introvert, Edmund knew that a new start in a new city was a good chance to challenge himself, so he volunteered as his programme’s Course Rep which led to an involvement in student leadership. He then put his name forward to represent QUBSU at the National Union of Students and the National Union of Students - Union of Students Ireland and won both positions. 

He said: “As someone who is passionate about leadership, I always make sure I lead wherever I find myself. For a reserved boy from a small town in Ghana to be elected to represent the entire student populace and make critical decisions for the entire student body in the UK, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, was unbelievable. It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am more confident, can boldly stand up for what it right and bring the change I want to see.” 

Edmund says his time at Queen’s has been more than just educational but has expanded his personal abilities and developed him for his career: “Queen’s has developed me wholistically, and I was able to get two degree plus certificates in Master Your Leadership and Mastering your future success.” 

Edmund plans to carry out a PhD in food safety and become a researcher and lecturer. 


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