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Star student and new mum celebrates First Class Honours from Queen’s

Megan Husband, aged 21 from West Belfast, will celebrate graduating today with a First Class Honours degree in BA English and History from the School of Arts, English and Languages at Queen’s.

Megan Husband with her partner Conor and their baby Aodhán.

At the beginning of the final year of her degree, Megan found out she was expecting her first child, Aodhán (now just 5 months).  

Megan said: “I had just started my first semester when I found out unexpectedly that I was pregnant with my son. I had just applied for the PGCE course in English at Queen’s, so it felt like the path I had set out for myself was derailed.  

“I had considered taking time out and picking up my studies later in life but decided to speak to my course advisor and tutors about my circumstances. They were so helpful and made sure that I was fully supported, which made me determined to finish my degree. 

“I ended up finishing my last essays and received my result, a First Class Honours, at 38 weeks pregnant. I cried like crazy. I was so proud of myself and felt like there was truly nothing I couldn’t achieve.”  

Speaking about her experience at Queen’s, Megan added: “The most enjoyable part was that I got to spend my final year with my son every step of the way. In a way, he got to experience Queen’s with me. I loved feeling him kick while I was struggling with assignments, it was like he was reminding me what I was doing it all for. 

“I never thought I would get to graduate. In my family going to university is not the norm, so it is a tremendous achievement of which I am so proud of. Graduating is proof of everything I’ve worked hard for and an amazing example to set for my son. For any pregnant student or student with children, there is nothing we cannot achieve.” 

After graduating, Megan will begin her PGCE in English at Queen’s next September as she sets her sights on fulfilling her dreams of becoming a teacher.  

Megan said: “Teaching is all I have ever wanted to do. When I was pregnant, I worked in a school for work experience, as well as my part-time job. It is crazy to think I’ll be going back to student life with a one-year-old, but I am so excited for our future."


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