Dr Natasha Phillips
Post-doctoral Researcher
Biological Sciences
Dr Phillips’ research focuses on the conservation ecology of big fish, including tuna, sunfish and sharks, to better understand and protect marine ecosystems.
Dr Phillips is a marine biologist, specialising in the conservation ecology of big fish, including ocean sunfish, bluefin tuna and basking sharks. She is the biotelemetry and biologging lead for basking shark and flapper skate programmes on the SeaMonitor project, assessing spatial movements of endangered species to inform conservation management action. Aside from her research, she also produces documentary and science outreach films for Swimming Head Productions.
Conservation and Ecology Marine BiologyAreas of Expertise
Marine biology, fish, sharks, science, conservation, biotelemetry, ecology, science outreach
Media Experience
Wide range of media experience from feature documentary on Discovery Channel, as a National Geographic Explorer, BBC NI radio and podcasts, and magazine articles including The Atlantic, British Ecology Society and The Scientist. Also co-founder of Swimming Head Productions creating sci-comm films for a digital audience. Completed media training with LeapFrog Productions 2020.
Associated Research Centres / Projects
Contact Information
For more information or to book an interview, email comms.office@qub.ac.uk
Academic Profile