Queen’s University has welcomed funding of 50 postgraduate bursaries for next academic year
The Department for the Economy has announced the provision of £1.8m worth of funding as part of its Economic Recovery Action Plan which will create 100 Master’s places across Queen’s and Ulster University.

Welcoming the bursaries, President and Vice-Chancellor of Queen’s University Belfast, Professor Ian Greer said: “The allocation of funding to create 50 new Master’s bursaries here at Queen’s will have a hugely positive impact on students eligible for the scheme.
"We are very proud of our Graduate School and the opportunities it offers postgraduate students worldwide to get a first class education at Queen’s. We want to support the contribution of our students to our community and this funding is a proactive way of investing in their skills and the progress of the Northern Ireland economy.”
The bursaries are open to graduates who achieve a 2:1 or more. Full eligibility criteria will be available on the Queen’s website in due course for students wanting to apply for the grants for the 2021-22 academic year.
For more information on the bursaries, please visit: https://www.qub.ac.uk/Study/PostgraduateStudy/FundingandScholarships/masters-awards/
Media enquiries to Ciara O Neill at Queen's Communications Office on email: ciara.oneill@qub.ac.uk