Maths QUBe provides a FREE programme of maths activities for primary school children.
Across the world sitting rooms are now the new normal primary school classroom and after 5 drafts of the home school timetable you are probably ready to give up. In the interim, we are here to help with short educational, fun videos for primary aged children. Our maths videos teach children the importance of maths in our everyday lives and show how important maths is for so many things.

If you have a fun maths activity you would like to create and share a video for please get in touch, or if you have someone in your family or a neighbour or a friend that you think would like to contribute a video to help children learn how to apply maths in everyday life then please pass on the message.
Right now, lots of our favourite people are isolated and this is an opportunity to transform your house to a full classroom and teach lots of children something new. The video should be about 5-10 minutes long and don’t forget to tell us a bit about yourself at the start and why you like maths. Then do your maths thing and if possible, include an activity for the children and adults to do at home. The video should be aimed at primary school children to either include basic maths or something more complex, ranging from simple addition to basic data analytics. Maybe as a fitness instructor you use angles to explain the correct way to exercise, or you might use fractions to measure food in a recipe or if you are interested in fashion design or are an engineer you could show how taking precise measurements or estimating the cost and profit of materials is essential. Be imaginative maths is everywhere!