Find a quiet room with soft furnishings to reduce echo
Turn off anything that might make noise in the background i.e. dishwasher, washing machine. Close all unnecessary programs on the computer, especially ones that give you notifications. If possible use an external microphone, but be sure not to touch or move the mic during recording. Do a quick test with your screen recorder to make sure everything shows up as expected.

Your video should be 5-10 minutes long. Firstly tell us about yourself and why you love or don’t love maths. If it's easier, you can record in 3-4 minute sections and put them together later. If you are feeling digitally adventurous you can use some free video maker apps to include graphics or music to your video.
Sites like http://www.videosoftdev.com/ can help you piece together your video from smaller clips. Save in a compressed format like MP4. Watch your recording back to ensure you are happy with it. Then use the 'send us your video' button below and we will make it available to home-schooling families everywhere! Your video might not work out first time, please don’t be disheartened and keep trying.
Here are some highlights from the current primary school curriculum
Language and Literacy |
planning work |
presenting outcomes |
The Arts |
patterns and shapes |
musical notation skills |
creating pictures and models |
The world around us |
measurement |
shape |
space estimation |
Personal Development and Mutual Understanding |
learning to use calculator |
ICT basic programming |
estimating group size |
Physical Education |
use number and shape and space for movement |
measures and data to enhance quality of movement |
collect analyse and interpret data, pulse |
Maths Skills |
decimals |
basic fractions |
addition |
subtraction |
recognising money and coin value |
units for length, weight, capacity area and time |
enter and access data from tables |
telling the time |
2d and 3d shapes |
measure and draw angles |
graphs and diagrams |
understanding basic probability |