Statute I |
(Definitions) |
Regulation governing the definition of staff |
Statute III |
(The Chancellor) |
Regulation governing the appointment of the Chancellor |
Statute IV |
(The Pro-Chancellors) |
Regulation governing the appointment of the Pro-Chancellors |
Statute V |
(The President and Vice-Chancellor) |
Regulation governing the appointment of the President and Vice-Chancellor |
Statute VI |
(The Pro-Vice-Chancellors) |
Regulation governing the appointment of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors |
Statute VII |
(The Senate) |
Regulation for the election of Six Members of Staff to Membership of Senate |
Regulation governing the appointment of Lay Members to Senate |
Regulation governing the appointment of Senate Representatives to University Committees |
Statute VIII |
(Powers of the Senate) |
Regulation governing the use of the University Seal |
Regulation for flying the University Standard and acknowledging deaths |
Statute IX |
(Meetings of the Senate) |
Standing Orders of Senate |
Standing Orders of the Senate Committees |
Statute XI |
(The Academic Council) |
Regulation governing the powers of Academic Council |
Standing Orders of Academic Council |
Statute XII |
(Dismissal, Discipline, Grievance Procedures and relaed matters) |
Regulation governing the removal from non-substantive academic posts pursuant to Statute XII Part I |
Regulation governing the non-renewal of limited-term contracts pursuant to Statute XII Part II |
Regulation governing redundancy pursuant to Statute XII Part II |
Regulation governing discipline and dismissal pursuant to Statute XII Part III |
Regulation governing incapacity on health grounds pursuant to Statute XII Part IV |
Regulation governing capability pursuant to Statute XII Part V |
Regulation governing dismissal of members of staff on other grounds pursuant to Statutue XII Part VI Clause 16 |
Regulation governing grievance procedures pursuant to Statutue XII Part VII |
Statute XIV |
(Recognition of Institutions) |
Regulation governing the recognition of Institutions |
Statute XVI |
(Degrees and other Academic Distinctions) |
Regulation governing the Conferral of Honorary Degrees |
Statute XVII |
(The Honorary Treasurer) |
Regulation governing the appointment of the Honorary Treasurer |
Statute XVIII |
(The Registrar) |
Regulation governing the appointment of the Registrar and Chief Operating Officer |