Frequently Asked Questions about Applying
Get the answers to all your accommodation related queries below.
How do I apply for accommodation?
You can apply for accommodation by visiting our website and clicking the link apply now:
You must first create an account and then login. If you have previously applied for accommodation, you will already have an account.
- What is the cost comparison of Queen's Accommodation versus other accommodation options in Belfast?
Please click here to view Queen's accommodation costs versus other student accommodation options in the city.
- When will 1st year students be allocated a room?
Allocations will commence from A-Level Results Day, 14 August 2025 onwards.
- I haven’t received an allocation after results day - 1st Year
Allocations are a manual process for the team and do take time to process. We would ask for your patience at this time. We would also advise to keep a check on your emails, including your junk/spam folder.
All staff in the Accommodation Service at Queen’s do their best to answer questions and explain the process for room allocations, as outlined in our policies. All staff deserve to be treated with respect as they undertake their work. Any abusive behaviour towards our staff members is not acceptable. We reserve the right to take appropriate action under student conduct regulations if any abuse is experienced by our staff teams while they are trying to help you via email, on telephone calls or in person.
- When can I check into my room?
Please refer to our Important / Key Dates section for arrival dates based on accommodation location (please refer to your offer of accommodation to check your arrival dates as there can be some variations to arrival dates due to refurbishment works).
The Accommodation Team will contact NI students prior to the arrivals period with details on how to book their arrival slot.
If I choose to live with in accommodation with a nomination partner (for example, Student Roost or Mezzino), who is my contract with?
If you apply for one of our external accommodation partners via the Queen’s online application, your contract will be with Queen's Accommodation and you will be bound by our Conditions of Occupancy.
- Can I get a show round of accommodation?
Yes, please contact the allocations team to arrange an appointment at
- Can I come and see my room before I arrive?
It is not possible to view your bedroom prior to arrival. You can view 360 degree videos and photos on our property pages.
- I am a nursing student, what contract can I apply for?
To support Queen’s Nursing and Midwifery students who are required to spend time on placement, a limited number of places are available on a short-term rental basis (6-8 weeks) as well as on a longer contract length of 40 weeks. The short-term places for 6-8 week contracts will be allocated on a first come first serve basis, by date of application for accommodation. All other contracts will be allocated in line with the allocation policy.
- Can I be allocated with a group of friends?
We do not offer group bookings.
Will I be guaranteed accommodation?
Please see our allocation policy for full details of the guarantees we provide - Allocation Policy 2025-26
- I am a first year NI student how will my application be processed?
Please refer to the accommodation allocation policy 2025-26 for further information.
- How can I pay for my accommodation?
Please click here for information on payment options
- Is there any financial help available to students from lower income households who wish to apply for accommodation?
For new students applying to accommodation for the academic year 2025/26, an accommodation bursary fund is available to support lower income households. Students do not apply for the bursary; it will be determined through the current student Finance Awarding Body.
Further details about the bursary thresholds will be released as soon as possible.
- Will I get my £300 damage deposit back?
Yes, you will get this £300 damage deposit back 6-8 weeks after the end of your contract, provided there is no damage in your room upon check out, and you have no outstanding fees on your account.
How are allocations processed?
We process allocations dependent on the preferences students give on their application. You can have 6 preferences on your application and we would try our best to offer you one of these but this not guaranteed.
- Can students from all other Further and Higher Education Institutions in Northern Ireland apply for accommodation?
Students attending another Belfast-based higher education institution (Stranmillis University College, St. Mary’s University College, and Ulster University) will only be considered at the discretion of the Accommodation Service and if all other guaranteed and priority applicants have been offered.
- Are there any laundry facilities?
All accommodation has laundry facilities available (additional charge).
- Is Queen’s Sport off-peak membership offered to students living in accommodation provided by an nomination partner?
I have a disability. Who do I contact?
If you have a disability and require specific accommodation, you will need to contact the allocations team ( who will arrange a meeting with you. Please also ensure that you fill out the relevant section on your application with any information we may need to consider when allocating you to a room.
- Can I park my car at my accommodation?
A pay as you go car park is available at Elms BT9. This costs 70p per day (subject to change) and can be used by all students living in Queen’s Accommodation.
Please note that there is a 10mph speed limit at Elms BT9 and speed restriction ramps in place - there are a number of families living onsite with young children and it is paramount that these restrictions are adhered to.
We do not have parking facilities in BT1/BT2/off site houses/nominated accommodation partners.
- What are the reception opening times?
All receptions are open 8am-8pm. Outside the normal operating hours of reception, there is a safety team available on site. These times may be subject to change during holiday periods.
- What is the guest procedure for 2025-26?
The guest procedure for students living in Queen's Accommodation (not applicable to Student Roost properties) for 2024-25:
Please note that no overnight guests are permitted in University accommodation until Monday 23 September 2024.
Guest procedure for 2025-26 to follow.
- I have received my offer how quickly do I have to respond?
Accepting or declining the offer: Students have 48 hours in which to accept their offer of accommodation and pay the £300 deposit - this will be detailed in the offer email. Students who have not accepted their offer within the specified timeframe, or who decline the offer of accommodation, will forfeit the guarantee and the offer of accommodation will be withdrawn. If accommodation is subsequently required, a new application must be made, a subsequent offer is not guaranteed.
Can I request to change my offer of accommodation?
Queen’s will make every effort to allocate students a room type based on the preferences they identified on the application form. However, where this is not possible, Queen’s will make an alternative offer for another available room. Students do not have to accept this offer.
PLEASE NOTE: If the offer of accommodation is declined, the student will forfeit the guarantee and the offer of accommodation will be withdrawn. If accommodation is subsequently required, a new application must be made, a subsequent offer is not guaranteed.
- If I make an application after the 30th June will I get allocated a room?
30 June 2025 (12pm midday) is the closing date for guaranteed accommodation for students living over 45 miles from Queen's, as recorded on UCAS application; these students must have applied for accommodation and made Queen’s their firm choice by this date, or such earlier date as may be notified, to be guaranteed an offer for accommodation.
The online application remains open throughout the summer and applications are considered, subject to availability, on a first-come, first-served basis. An applicant’s year of study and proximity to Queen’s will be taken into consideration to determine priority.
- Can I bring my pet with me?
No, animals are not permitted in any of our accommodation. The Animals in Accommodation Policy can be found here.
- If I need a guarantor, is there help available?
Yes. Housing Hand stands as the guarantor for students who are unable to provide one. You can use Housing Hand to help you with both Queen's Accommodation and privately rented accommodation.