Your Questions Answered
To help you settle into your new accommodation and explore the local area, we have selected the information we think you will need.
Please read our Student Handbooks which provide you with all the information you need to know.
- Elms BT9 University Living Student Handbook 2024-25
- Elms BT1-BT2 University Living Student Handbook 2024-25
Your first point of contact at Queen's Accommodation
The receptions in Elms BT9, Elms BT1 and Elms BT2 are your first point of contact for advice, support and general enquiries. They are open seven days a week, 8am-8pm.
What happens if I am absent from Queen's Accommodation?
If you plan to be away from your accommodation for longer than seven days, please inform your room mates and the accommodation team. This will allow us to account for you in case of an emergency and allow us to maintain water hygiene by flushing toilets and running water during your absence.
- Are there bike shelters available at Queen's Accommodation?
Bike shelters are located at the following locations:
Elms Village
- Willow Walk
- Entrance to Elms Village beside the Pay per Use car park
- At the side of Sycamore Park Apartment 9
Queen’s Houses
- Rear of Grant House
- Side of 7 College Gardens
- Rear of 26-50 Mount Charles
- Rear of Guthrie House (temporarily out of use)
City Centre
- BT1
- BT2
For the access code to your nearest secure bicycle shelter, please speak with a member of staff at reception.
- How do I check out at the end of my contract?
When checking out of your accommodation please return your key(s) or key fob to reception. Bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens all must be left in a clean condition with all rubbish removed to the nearest waste centre / bins.
- How do I register with a doctor?
It is advised that you register with a doctor at the University Health Centre. If you require medical treatment or advice outside surgery hours, weekends, bank or public holidays, you should contact - +44 (0) 28 9079 6220.
- Can I get fast food and groceries delivered?
Vehicles delivering fast food and groceries are authorised to deliver to all accommodation locations.
What if I need First Aid?
If you require first aid, please contact the nearest reception where one of our trained staff will assist. If there is an emergency and you require an ambulance call 999.
Elms BT9 reception - +44 (0) 28 9097 4525
Elms BT1 reception – +44 (0) 28 9097 6040
Elms BT2 reception - +44 (0) 28 9097 6343
We also have defibrillators across our sites. They are located in BT1/BT2 receptions, in the admin building by the security barrier at BT9 and beside the reception desk in the Treehouse at BT9.
Students living in Bradbury Place, Aster House and Swanston House should refer to their resident handbook for first aid arrangements.
- Am I allowed to have guests to stay?
We recognize that students will have friends/ guests to stay with them on occasions, however for health and safety reasons we require students to advise us of the dates that guests will be staying so that people can be accounted for in the event of an emergency. To view the guest procedure for Queen's Accommodation (not applicable to Student Roost/Mezzino properties) click here.
Please note that no overnight guests are permitted in University accommodation until Monday 23rd September 2024.
- How do I access the building/my room?
Each student will be issued with a fob to access their accommodation building and their room. The exception is in Mount Charles, College Gardens, Grant House, 76 Malone Road and Guthrie House, who will have a fob of the front door and a key for their bedroom. Do not duplicate or lend your key or fob to anyone else. If you lose your key or fob, report it to reception. Charges will apply for lost keys and fobs if not found.
£2.00 per fob and £7.50 per key
To Open Bedroom
• Hold fob over the sensor for a few seconds
• BLUE light flash and two beeps - door unlocked
• RED light-key invalid or not read properly-try again
• The door will remain open until you lock it
To Lock Bedroom
• OUTSIDE bedroom door, hold fob over the sensor for a few seconds
• BLUE light flash and beeps - door locked. Shut door, you will hear click.The door will always open from the inside but will now be locked from the outside.
If you have left the key fob in your room, or if the key fob is faulty, damaged, or lost please report to Elms Village reception. You must lock your door, if you leave your bedroom. - What happens if I can't or don't pay my accommodation fees?
Talk to us if you need support or advice
If you have any questions or financial difficulties please call the Residential Fees team on 028 9097 4407/5639 Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:00pm or email to speak to a member of the team.
There are other groups providing financial support to students experiencing financial difficulties, find out more HERE.
Failure to pay accommodation fees
The University has a robust debt management procedure in place which outlines the steps that will be taken by the Residential Fees and Accommodation Team when payments are outstanding / overdue. For a detailed explanation of this procedure please click here.
Where can I get my mail?
Students living in Elms BT1, Elms BT2 and Elms BT9 (except for students living in Willow Walk) will be issued with a key for their apartment post box located in each reception.
Parcel post is received at various times throughout the day.
- Residents can get their Amazon orders delivered to the Amazon locker in Elms BT9 called: Kataleya, Queen's Elms Village, 78 Malone Road. (see video below for more information);
- BT1 & BT2 Residents can get their parcels delivered to the Quadient Parcel Lockers which are situated in the reception areas of both buildings.
Parcels that cannot be delivered to either of the above locations are logged at the relevant reception and students will receive an email to confirm that they are available for collection. All parcels can be collected by showing your student card/photo ID.
Students in Willow Walk can collect letter post from Elms BT9 reception. Please note that any mail not collected within 4 weeks will be returned to sender.
On departure from accommodation please ensure to re-direct your mail to your new address as all uncollected mail will be returned to sender after 4 weeks.
Students living at 76 Malone Road, Grant House, College Gardens, Guthrie House and Mount Charles will have all mail (both letter and parcel post) delivered directly to the property by Royal Mail and couriers.
- Is there parking available?
A limited number of car parking spaces are available within Elms BT9. If the use of a car is essential, students can apply for a car parking permit online via the online accommodation application, which costs £100 for the residential year (subject to change). A parking permit allows access to parking spaces outside the accommodation buildings. If you are not allocated a parking permit for the academic year, you can park in the two car parks located beside the Elms BT9 admin building on a Pay Per Use basis.
Please note that there is a 10mph speed limit at Elms BT9 and speed restriction ramps in place - there are a number of families living onsite with young children and it is paramount that these restrictions are adhered to.
Pay Per Use Car Parking at Elms BT9
Students that are unsuccessful in a request for an onsite parking permit or wish to park on a part-time basis, then this system presents an ideal solution. The charge is £0.70 per 24 hours (subject to change).
If you wish to use these carparks, you must register your car details at Elms BT9 reception (you only need to register once).
You will be issued with a parking authorisation disc which must be displayed on the car window. Failure to do so will result in the car being clamped and a fine payable for its release.
How the parking system works:
- Drive up to the ticket dispenser and a ticket will be presented
- Remove and retain the ticket
- Park your car in a designated space
- On departure visit reception to make payment, new ticket will be issued
- At the exit barrier present the barcode to the reader and the barrier will raise
- Please report lost tickets to Elms reception. A charge will be incurred for lost tickets.
Please note there is only accessible parking at Elms BT1 and Elms BT2.
Please be advised that there are no parking facilities at 76 Malone Road, Grant House, College Gardens, Guthrie House or Mount Charles. If students park in these areas, they will be clamped and fined.
- How can I pay for fees or charges?
If you wish to make a payment for residential fees or other charges such as car parking or key charges, you can call into reception where your payment will be processed, and a receipt provided.
Please note that all receptions are cashless.
Payment queries can be handled by contacting the Residential Fees team at or meeting with a Finance advisor between 9.00pm - 5.00pm (Monday-Friday) Please note an appointment is necessary.
- What if I have a request or need to report a concern?
You can log in to you accommodation account to submit a request form to:
- Request a room move
- Request a release from your contract
- Report a concern
If you cannot find what you are looking for, please call in and speak with a member of staff at your reception or to a member of the Residential Life Team at your coffee bar.
- Is there security on site?
A Safety team operates 24 hours per day at Elms BT9. Elms BT1 and Elms BT2 receptions between 6pm and 8am every day. If you require assistance at any time, please contact your reception Elms BT9 on +44 (0) 28 9097 4525
Elms BT1 reception – +44 (0) 28 9097 6040
Elms BT2 reception - +44 (0) 28 9097 6343
If you are a student in 76 Malone Road, College Gardens, Grant House, Guthrie House or Mount Charles please contact +44 (0) 28 9097 5098/99.
We also have CCTV surveillance across our main sites.
Can I get a taxi if I need one?
There is a free phone for Value Cabs taxi services located at all receptions. Value Cabs is the only taxi service permitted on site at Elms BT9 to pick up and drop off at your building.
- How do I report excessive noise in my accommodation?
Excessive noise after 11pm can be reported to your nearest reception / safety team - all noise complaints will be dealt with in a confidential manner.
Contact your relevant reception on
Elms BT9 reception - +44 (0) 28 9097 4525
Elms BT1 reception – +44 (0) 28 9097 6040
Elms BT2 reception - +44 (0) 28 9097 6343
If you are a student in 76 Malone Road, College Gardens, Grant House, Guthrie House or Mount Charles please contact +44 (0) 28 9097 5098/99.
- Can I extend my stay in accommodation?
Please contact the Allocations Team at the possibility of extending your stay.
- Is there visitor car parking?
Visitor car parking in BT9 only. Access can be granted for resident students / guests to have access to the site for 30 minutes. After this time, the car must be moved and parked in the Pay Per Use car park.
All guest vehicles must be registered at Elms BT9 reception and parking slips displayed in the vehicle. Failure to do so may result in the vehicle being clamped and a fine payable for its release. Please note that parking for visitors is limited and is subject to availability.
Parking Charges (subject to change)
0 - 30 minutes
30 minutes - 24 hours
Each 24 hours or part thereafter
- Are e-bikes and e-scooters permitted?
The University is committed to reducing our environmental impact, and as we develop our Net Zero strategy, we encourage staff and students to travel more sustainably to and from campus.
As a result of reducing our environmental impact, the use of E-bikes and E-scooters is becoming increasingly popular, as they offer an emission-free and economical method of travel.
Although E-bikes are legal in Northern Ireland, there are certain conditions which must be met for them to considered as such. Further information can be found by following the link: Electric bikes (electrically-assisted pedal cycles) | nidirect
E-scooters, however, are illegal in Northern Ireland and cannot be used on public roads, footways, or footpaths under the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1995. Therefore, the use of E-scooters on the University campus is not permitted and will be removed if found in accommodation.
As a result of the increased fire safety risk, the University has also implemented a ban on charging and storing large lithium battery type vehicles which include E-scooters and E-Bikes, inside any of our buildings. More information can be found here.