U.S. Loans
Queen's University Belfast is certified by the U.S. Department of Education to participate in the Direct Loan Program (formally known as the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program). As a U.S citizen or eligible noncitizen you can apply for a Direct Loan if you have accepted an offer at Queen's, on an eligible program.
Our School Code is G22736.
This website provides students with information and guidance to apply for U.S. Federal and Sallie Mae private loans to fund their studies at Queen's. The University does not have a financial aid office and U.S. loans are administered by the Postgraduate Awards Team in the Thomas J. Moran Graduate School.

Sallie Mae Private Loan
As a Title IV School Students may be eligible for a Sallie Mae loan. Students may request to borrow up to the maximum cost of attendance, and the School will certify your loan request with Sallie Mae for review.
Below are some links that may help you make a decision on the right loan for you.
Learn about your student loan options with Sallie Mae:
Sallie Mae website: Sallie Mae Student Loans
Sallie Mae Graduate Loan Brochure: Sallie Mae Graduate School Loan
Sallie Mae Undergraduate Loan BrochureBrochure: Smart Option Student Loan For undergraduate students
Understanding gap financing Options PLUS Loan Vs Private loan borrowing: PLUS loan Vs Private loan
Application timeline: Application to disbursement
Loan Repayment:
It is important that you understand how your student loan payments are calculated and used to pay down your loan: Understanding Student Loan Payments
Tips for sucessfully repaying your student loan
Student Loan Payment Amount Estimator
Application Process:
1. Request a cost of attendance and award letter from usloans@qub.ac.uk. This will determine how much you can borrow to supplement your federal loans and the maximum amount you can borrow in a private educational loan.
2. Make your application with Sallie Mae online at Sallie Mae Student Loans.
3. The financial aid administrator will check that you have not requested above your cost of attendance before certifying your private loan.
Receiving your loan
Private loans will be disbursed in full at the start of the year. You must be fully enrolled and registered at Queen's before we can disburse your loan. The disbursement date used is the date that Sallie Mae issues the cheque in the U.S. and it may take up to 10 days to be received by Queen’s.
Private loans can only be paid in GBP and transferred directly into a UK bank account. Therefore on arrival you will need to open a local bank account and complete the bank transfer form. Please bring this form to the Student Finance Office in the One Elmwood Student Centre before your loan disbursement is due. Your tuition fees will be paid before the remaining balance is transferred into your UK bank account. If you wish to pay your tuition fees by other means please discuss this with the Student Finance office.
- Earnest Private Loan
As a Title IV School Students may be eligible for an Earnest loan. Students may request to borrow up to the maximum cost of attendance, and the School will certify your loan request with Earnest for review.
Below are some links that may help you make a decision on the right loan for you.
Learn about your student loan options with Earnest:
Earnset website: Earnest Student Loans
Earnest Graduate Loan: Earnest Graduate School Loan
Earnest Undergraduate Loan: Earnest Undergraduate School Loan
Eligibility Check: Eligibility Guide
Loan Repayment:
It is important that you understand how your student loan payments are calculated and used to pay down your loan: Understanding Student Loan Payments
Frequently asked questions and help centre click here.
Application Process:
1. Request a cost of attendance and award letter from usloans@qub.ac.uk. This will determine how much you can borrow to supplement your federal loans and the maximum amount you can borrow in a private educational loan.
2. Make your application with Earnest online at Earnest Student Loans.
3. Queen's will be notified by Earnest that you have made a submission. The financial aid administrator will check that you have not requested above your cost of attendance before certifying your private loan.
Receiving your loan
Private loans will be disbursed in 3 or 2 disbursements throughout the year dependent on your semesters of study. You must be fully enrolled and registered at Queen's before we can certify your enrollment and request disbursement of your loan. The disbursement date used is the date that Earnest will release funds from the U.S. and it may take up to 14 days to be received by Queen’s.
Private loans can only be paid in GBP and transferred directly into a UK bank account. Therefore on arrival you will need to open a local bank account and complete the bank transfer form. Please bring this form to the Student Finance Office in the One Elmwood Student Centre before your loan disbursement is due. Your tuition fees will be paid before the remaining balance is transferred into your UK bank account. If you wish to pay your tuition fees by other means please discuss this with the Student Finance office.