Opening Hours & Where To Find Us
The Thomas J. Moran Graduate School is open from 7.00am - 11.00pm, Monday - Sunday, excluding official University holidays. Staff/Student ID Card access only is available outside office hours and on weekends. Please visit our Facilities page for room bookings.
Facilities & BookingsReception Opening Hours
9.00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
Thomas J. Moran Graduate School Closure Dates
Monday 17 March 2025 - St Patrick's Day
Sunday 20 April 2025 - Easter Sunday
Please note there will be no access to the building on these dates.
There will be no in-person Reception services from Friday 18 April through to Friday 25 April for Easter break, though the Graduate School building will be open to PG students. This means there will be no response to phone calls or emails during this time.
Full Reception Service recommences on Monday 28 April 2025.
Contact us
+44 (0) 2890 97 2585
The Thomas J. Moran Graduate School
Queen's University Belfast
University Road
BT7 1NN - Student support during building closures
During periods of extended building closure or a reduction of staffed services, know that there is still support available to you through various channels.
Counselling & Crisis support
Your GP or local Accident & Emergency (Emergency Department). The GP out of hours number for the University area is 028 9079 6220. Out of Hours for other areas can be found here.
Lifeline: 0808 808 8000 or the Samaritans: 116 123
Inspire Student Helpline 0808 800 0016 (24 hours a day, 7 days per week)
Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing
Talk Campus is an online 24/7 global mental health peer support network available in 26 languages. Download the TalkCampus app here.
Inspire HUB provides instant access to a range of information, and guidance specifically to help care for your individual wellbeing needs. Access the HUB here and use the pin: QUBHUB! to sign up.
Inspire Counselling Helpline 0808 800 0016 (24 hours a day, 7 days per week)
Physical Health
Your GP or local Out of Hours GP. The GP out of hours number for the University area is 028 9079 6220. Out of Hours for other areas can be found here.
Local Accident & Emergency (Emergency Departments)
Community and Campus Safety
If you have been subject to a Criminal Incident (including hate crime, sexual assault, domestic violence etc.). Please report via the following options:
999 (in an emergency), or 101 (non-emergency)
24 hour Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline on 0808 802 1414
You can report anonymously or with details using our Report & Support website. If you leave your details, we will follow-up with you on our return.
If you are concerned about your safety on campus please call the Security 24-hour number on 028 9097 5099.
Accommodation & Essential Items Support
Queen’s Accommodation: or Elms BT1: 028 9097 6040; Elms BT2: 028 9097 6441; or Elms BT9: 028 9097 4525
Advice NI Community Helpline: call 0808 802 0020 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
Queen’s University Belfast Security
Extension 5099
International Office
Extension 4525