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Supporting your Studies


Students with Disabilities or Long Term Conditions

The University has developed a range of services and support for students with disabilities or long term conditions, overseen by Accessible Learning Support. If you indicated on your application form that you have a disability or long term condition you should have received further information and a questionnaire with your offer letter. If these details were not included or you wish to receive further information please contact the Admissions and Access Service.

University Student Accommodation

The University offers a range of accommodation and applications can be made online via the Queen's Accommodation website.

View the Accommodation FAQS or contact Queen's Accommodation if you have any additional questions.

Welcome and Orientation

Induction programmes for applicants undertaking a postgraduate courses will be organised by Schools and further details will be sent to applicants in September.

Applicants from outside the UK and the Republic of Ireland will be invited to attend the welcome and orientation programme for new international students. The programme covers basic academic and practical matters and enables students to familiarise themselves with the University and living in Belfast before the course commences. Full details of the programme will be sent to applicants during the Summer.

The Graduate School

The Graduate School offers an intellectual and social hub that connects students across disciplines to one another, and to mentors, leaders and employers within the University and beyond. The Queen's Postgraduate Experience is embedded in the programme that you are following, but also so much more. The Graduate School is about intellectual challenge beyond disciplinary borders, personal effectiveness and skills development that recognises the very different life and professional experiences with which you arrive at our doors: it's about promoting a culture of opportunity and enterprise, and a rich, diverse, inclusive social community. In short, it represents a whole person approach which aims to make you stand out in an increasingly competititve local and global job market.

The Graduate School will support you to be a Thinker, Innovator, Leader and Communicator who is Future Ready. These five pillars guide your journey through the Graduate School, supporting the development of your knowledge-base and key competencies, allowing you to test and communicate your ideas with impact to any audience.

As well as offering a range of development opportunities, the Graduate School offers an ideal place to meet fellow students and colleagues within stunning surroundings. It also provides students with a dedicated study space with up to six group study rooms as well as a silent study with seating for up to 65 students for computer and laptop use. Postgraduate students and staff can also use the larger Graduate School rooms for postgraduate-related activities. 

To find out more about how the Graduate School can support you during your Postgraduate Experience, visit our website The Graduate School.

Teams based at the Graduate School:

  • Postgraduate Skills Development Team
  • Postgraduate Community and Information Team
  • Postgraduate Awards Team


  • The Graduate School is located north of the main Lanyon Building (it can be seen from the front of Queen's, on the left hand side).

Opening Hours:

English Language Requirement

For those applicants who do not currently meet the English Language requirement, the University is a test centre for IELTS. Further details are available from the website at  

INTO Queen’s University offers a wide range of English language provision, including 12, 8 or 4 week pre-sessional courses. Those who have satisfied the other course entry requirements and who achieve the required level of performance in the pre-sessional English course, will be permitted to progress to their postgraduate degree programme without having to re-take the IELTS or TOEFL test.

For contact details - see Useful Contacts at Queen's.

Please note that you have to meet the University’s English Language requirement before being permitted to register on to your postgraduate programme of study.

Needle going into a vial of vaccine

The Admissions and Access Service has been asked by the University’s Occupational Health Service to bring the following information to your attention.

Local, EU and international students aged up to 25 years and starting university for the first time, should get the Meningitis ACWY vaccine from their GP before going to university. The Meningitis ACWY vaccine will increase protection against four Meningitis groups (A,C,W and Y).

There is an increased risk of infection with meningitis spreading when people live closely to each other such as in university halls of residence and other shared accommodation. It is therefore recommended that students receive vaccination at least 2 weeks before starting university.

Meningococcal bacteria can cause:

  • meningitis (inflammation of the lining in the brain)
  • septicaemia (blood poisoning) often leading to a rash of dark spots

Meningitis can cause death or long-term health problems including:

  • amputation
  • deafness
  • epilepsy
  • learning difficulties

Symptoms of meningitis:

Meningitis can affect anyone, but is common in babies, young children, teenagers and young adults. Symptoms of meningitis develop suddenly and can include:

  • a high temperature (fever) over 37.5C (99.5F)
  • vomiting
  • a headache
  • a blotchy rash that doesn't fade when a glass is rolled over it (this won't always develop)
  • a stiff neck
  • discomfort or pain to the eyes due to light exposure
  • drowsiness or unresponsiveness
  • seizures (fits)

All students who are changing their GP or who are registering with one for the first time should choose a GP in the local area when starting university.  If not already vaccinated, they can arrange to get this vaccine and other vaccines as appropriate. This should be done straight away – ideally in the first week of term – don’t leave it until later.

If you would like further information about meningitis vaccination, visit:

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