- Time
- 12:00 - 13:30
Beyond Coronavirus: Vaccination and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Live streamed on-line
- Date(s)
- January 14, 2021
- Location
- Online
- Price
- Free
This event will feature keynote speaker, Professor Sheena McCormack, Clinical Project Lead for the COVAC trials, MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL and Dr Mark Flear, Reader in Law, Queen’s University Belfast as discussant.
With contributions from Vice-Chancellor Professor Ian Greer and PVC for Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, Professor Stuart Elborn.
Ann Watt, Director of the Pivotal PPF Think Tank will facilitate the discussion.
- Event type
- Lecture / Talk / Discussion
- Department
- Public Engagement
- Add to calendar
- Tags
- Health Coronavirus society policy law
- Subject/Theme
- Health / Wellbeing
Name | Maurice Macartney |
Phone | 07850 862 591 |
m.macartney@qub.ac.uk |