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Stay Safe- Contacts for St. Patrick’s Day

Read our advice from Neighbourhood Engagement on how to keep yourself on the safe.

Save these numbers:

SOS Bus: 07901 505 505

Emergency: 999

PSNI: 101

Noise Team: 02890 373 006

Remember: There are plenty of support services if you need help or advice

Student Wellbeing and advice services

Queen’s University

Tel: 028 9097 2893 (Student Wellbeing)

Email: (Advice SU)

Email: (SU Welfare Officer)

Student Wellbeing out of hours (Inspire counselling service)

Queen’s University

Tel: 0808 800 0016


Other organisations

Samaritans 116 123

Lifeline 0808 808 8000

PSNI Rape Crime Unit 0845 600 8000 (emergency 24hr)

The Rowan 0800 389 4424 (support after sexual abuse, assault or rape)

Nexus 028 9032 6803 (counselling for sexual abuse)

Brook 028 9032 8866 (free sexual health advice and contraception)