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Creating Low-Carbon Sustainable Organisations: Leadership Challenges

Professor John Bratton, Visiting Professor at Edinburgh Napier University & Strathclyde University, addressed the issues linking organisational leadership and the challenges faced in trying to lead low-carbon sustainable changes in organisation.

The Chief Executives' Club at Queen's together with the William J. Clinton Leadership Institute continued its' Breakfast Lectures by hosting Professor John Bratton; Author, Specialist in Employment relations and the Sociology of Work and Visiting Professor at Edinbugh Napier University & Strathclyde University. The morning's lecture was  entitled 'Creating Sustainable Low-Carbon Organisaitons: Leadership Challenges' and was followed by a short Q&A Session with Professor Bratton, facilitated by Dr Joanne Murphy, interim-Director of the William J. Clinton Leadership Institute.

Professor Bratton's speech encompassed his observations on the four pillars of sustainability; Economic, Environmental, Social Justice and Culture. He outlined the process for strategic change within an organisation, that the strategy should meet economic needs, be environmentally sustainable and be socially just.

Professor Bratton noted that, "Charismatic CEOs, not matter how good they are, will not save the plant. But that by addressing the challenges from the top of the organisation and implementing Green HR Practices, supporting learning and training to change values."

