Four things you might not know about Queen’s rowing Club
Row, row, row your boat gently down the Lagan, says guest blogger Emily Romeril, a member of Queen's Rowing Club

You can join even if you’ve never rowed before
I had wanted to try rowing when starting university but was unsure about whether I needed to have already rowed. When I arrived and saw the recruitment outside the Lanyon building, I was surprised by the friendliness of the club, and how anyone could join the club.
The members are #squadgoals
The friends I have made from rowing are my closest university friends. It becomes your family away from home. The girls and guys I row with have seen me at my best and worst and are always there for me no matter what, rowing related or otherwise. It also gave me the chance to meet people outside of my halls or my course, I wouldn’t have met some of my closest friends if it wasn’t for the club.
It’s worth getting out of bed early for
The club gives you dedicated time away from studying, something you can focus on apart from lectures and readings. Also, the exercise is really good for relieving stress and keeping fit whilst at university. Finally, the early mornings actually make me feel ready for the day, and that I’ve already achieved something before a 9am lecture.
The Boathouse is a home from home
I would recommend rowing as it is something completely different, and most people in the club started at university, so you don’t have to be an expert. Also, it gives you a chance to travel throughout Ireland and the rest of the UK to compete with other universities and clubs. Finally, the boathouse creates a sense of family and pride I haven’t seen in other clubs on campus; you are proud to row for Queen’s and with the other students besides you.