Five reasons Queen's sailing club rocks
When you find a hobby that you love, university life is plain sailing, says guest blogger Jocelyn Hill from Queen's sailing club

1. The people are lovely
I have sailed all my life and when I found out there was a sailing club I was really keen to get involved. When I first went to training, the people I met were lovely and really encouraged me to do so.
Dive in to a great social life
2. It’s challenging
It presents a different challenge as the type of racing we do is team racing, different to my usual fleet racing, which keeps things very interesting and I find I am always learning despite having a fair bit of sailing experience.
3. We host the best parties and trips
I love the social side of the club most. We have our weekly training, socials nights, fundraisers, inter varsity events across Ireland and the highlight of the year for me which was our yachting holiday to Croatia, now an annual event!
There's just as much fun on dry land!
4. It makes you less stressed
I study medicine and find that the course can be quite demanding, however I am also captain of the sailing club this year and find that it takes my mind off a demanding course and lets me keep that essential work-life balance. I don’t find that either of my roles suffer because of my busy schedule, but that I am much less stressed than a lot of my other course mates, which I put down mostly to sailing involvement.
5. You see new parts of Belfast and Ireland
I recommend the club to anyone who has or hasn’t sailed before as with us you get to experience sailing in Belfast Lough and across Ireland whilst meeting a great bunch of people who are all up for having a great time!
Photo: Northern Ireland Tourist Board