Top Ten for Support and Guidance at Queen's
Whether it's financial worries or deadline distress, there's always someone at Queen's you can turn to for support. Holly lists 10 services below that you can always turn to.

Personal Tutor
Your personal tutor can help you with your transition to university. You can book meetings with them to discuss your recent grades and feedback, or to seek advice on an academic issue. You’ll normally have regular meetings with them, particularly in your first year. If you need support with something they can’t help with, they will work to signpost you in the right direction.
If you aren’t sure who your personal tutor is, login to QSIS and go to ‘Student Centre’ and it will be listed there along with your advisor of studies. If you can’t find it, you can also contact your school.
Advisor of Studies
You can reach out to your Advisor of Studies for support on academic matters including requesting a leave of absence, the requirements of your degree, changing programmes, etc. In particular, your choice of modules must be approved by your Advisor of Studies. If you aren’t sure who your advisor of studies is, it will be alongside your personal tutor on the ‘Student Centre’ in QSIS. Again, if you can’t find it, you can also contact your school.
University Lecturers and Tutors
If you need specific support for a certain course or module, your lecturers and tutors are there to offer module-specific advice. They can also signpost you to the relevant services like the Learning Development Service.
You can contact your lecturers via their email, Microsoft teams or by speaking to them at the end of a lecture. Some lecturers also offer one-to-one meetings with students during their office hours.
Peer Mentors
You can also reach out to a Peer Mentor for support. These are students in the years above you in your degree pathway. They can provide one-to-one support to help you adjust into university. I was a peer mentor in my second year, and it was very rewarding.
However, it’s important to remember that your peer mentor’s role is limited. They can’t act as your personal tutor or give you academic advice, nor can they replace other wellbeing services. They can however point you in the right direction to seek support, and help you transition into university life.
Learning Development Service
The Learning Development Service at Queen’s offer one-to-one appointments focused on helping you study and prepare for assignments. They also have a number of learning resources across topics such as academic writing, critical thinking, preparing for assignments, and research skills.
Careers Consultants
Careers Consultants are there to help you plan for your future and your career. They offer a range of services including a one-to-one CV review and career management consultations. They can also offer advice on applications and interviews. These services are also on offer for up to two years after you graduate.
Residential Life Team
If you live in Queen's Accommodation (Elms BT9, Elms BT1 & BT2, Grant House, College Gardens, 76 Malone Road, and Mount Charles), you can reach out to the Residential Life Team for support. There are made up of Residential Life Coordinators and Residential Assistants, who can offer support if you’re dealing with homesickness or loneliness, and can encourage you to join social events and make new friends!
Queen’s Counselling
Queen’s runs a counselling service for students that you can reach out to for support with your mental health. The service is free for students, and you can access 4-6 sessions for free, on a short-term basis.
If you think you need long term counselling support, your GP can refer you to NHS counselling services, or you can access them yourself privately. You can access an appointment by emailing or by calling 0808 800 0016.
University Health Centre
It’s important to register with a new GP as soon as possible after arriving in Belfast in case you become unwell during your time here. The University Health Centre at Queen’s (Just beside the One Elmwood Student Centre) offers registration for Queen's students. To register you need to go the practice itself at specific times on certain days (be sure to check their website as these can change) and registrations are accepted from students who live in the University Area.
The Students' Union
The Students' Union and its representatives are here to support you with matters relating to money, health, accommodation, your studies, bullying and harassment and much more. See all the services available here.
Find out more
Holly NesbittLaw| Undergraduate | UKMy name is Holly, and I’ll be going into my final year of Law LLB in September! I live in Belfast, and whilst at Queen’s I’ve been involved with peer mentoring, The Verdict Magazine, The Gown Newspaper, and I am also the Lead Moderator of QUB Women in Law!
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