The Seven Emotions of Results Day
Exam Results Day can feel like the biggest, and scariest, day of your life. All your hard work has paid off and you’ll finally see the rewards of that effort. But before you open that envelope there's a whole host of emotions you'll go through.

After this moment, the next step in your future journey will become clear. How exciting! With some many emotions flying around on the day, no wonder it feels like a whirlwind.
But try not to forget one very real truth. Everyone is on the same rollercoaster of emotions.
So, jump aboard and let’s check out the seven emotions of Results Day before the ride begins for real.
Stage 1: Totally Chilled
Results day, shemults day. There’s so much more to life than exam results, right? Who has time to think about that when it’s summer, and you have so much amazing free time to enjoy? Exam Results can wait, it’s time to chill.
Stage 2: Fear
What’s that shadow on the horizon? It’s the sudden realisation that Results Day is here, and the fear is real. Argh, Exam Results ahoy!
Stage 3: Avoidance
Do you know what’s fun? Pretending it’s not going to happen. We’ve all visited Avoidance and the weather is lovely. What if you just stick your head in that lovely pile of sand over there?
Stage 4: Trepidation
Your palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. Wait is that Mum’s spaghetti on your jumper? Okay, deep breath. Real question, is envelopophobia a thing? It’s just an envelope. With a tiny bit of important information in it.
Stage 5: Jealousy
Wait, does everyone know they are into uni already? Not fair! It’s only fun if all of us are avoiding results day together.
Stage 6: Relief
Ah! The waiting is finally over. You’ve opened the envelope and looked at your results. Whatever the grades, now is the time to think about how hard you worked for this moment. Go on, give yourself a bit pat on the back!
Stage 7: Excitement
Let the celebrations begin because you’re off to University! This is the start of the most exciting journey ever, congratulations!
Even if your results weren’t quite what you were expecting, don’t forget you always have a Plan B.
There’s no right way to get a place at University and every year tonnes of students find theirs in Clearing.
So, check out our Ultimate Guide to Clearing.
Inside you will find everything you need to stay ahead of the pack. From dedicated phone lines to Live Chat, we are here to help.
Good luck!