Research Interests
Open to PhD applications in the fields of:
- Chalcolithic, Bronze and Iron Age archaeology of Europe and the Mediterranean
- World Prehistory
- Dating and Chronology
- Artefact Studies
- Archaeometry of inorganic materials
Current Research Opportunities
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of an advanced metal matrix composite with ultrafine particle reinforcement for manufacturing aerospace components
- Babbitt/aluminium composite material with enhanced tribological and mechanical characteristics
- Electroless high entropy alloy coatings for energy storage applications
- Improving the shrinkage behaviour and efflorescence formation of low carbon geopolymer concrete
Public outreach & key achievements
Community Archaeology: Knocknashee Project
BBC Documentary series: Taisce Shean Uladh (Treasures of Ancient Ulster)
Alumni: Where are they now
- Dr David Bell, Research Fellow, Queen’s University Belfast
- Dr Rena Maguire, Historic Environment Division, NI Department for Communities