Research Interests
Open to PhD applications in the fields of;
- Critical public health geographies
- Political geographies of religious movements
- Apocalyptic thought related to climate change and nationalism
Current Research Opportunities
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of an advanced metal matrix composite with ultrafine particle reinforcement for manufacturing aerospace components
- Babbitt/aluminium composite material with enhanced tribological and mechanical characteristics
- Electroless high entropy alloy coatings for energy storage applications
- Improving the shrinkage behaviour and efflorescence formation of low carbon geopolymer concrete
Public outreach & key achievements
- Lynch, R., Sturm, T., and Webster, J. (proposal accepted) “The apocalyptic and other crisis.” Special Issue of Anthropology and Medicine.
- McConnell, T., Sturm, T., Stevenson, M., McCorry, N. K., Donnelly, M., Taylor, B. & Best, P., (2019) Co-producing a shared understanding and definition of empowerment with people with dementia. BMC Research Involvement and Engagement. 5:19, pp1-11.
- McConnell, T, Best, P. Sturm, T, (2018) “A translational case study of empowerment into practice: a realist evaluation of a member-led dementia empowerment service.” Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice (Sage). DOI: 10.1177/1471301218814393 23pp.
- Farries, E. and Sturm, T. (2018) Feminist legal geographies of nonconsensual pornography online: Using copyright logic to combat the unauthorized distribution of celebrity intimate images in cyberspace. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. Published online.
- Sturm, T. (2018) “Religion as Nationalism: The Religious Nationalism for Israel of American Christian Zionists.” National Identities, 20(3), 299-319.
- Sturm, T. (2017) Christian Zionism as Religious Nationalism Par Excellence. Brown Journal of World Affairs, 24(1), 7-22.
Research students
Megan O'Kane (ESRC funded) Geopolitics of video games (1st supervisor) year 2
Tom Albrecht (ESRC funded) Apocalypse and climate change (1st supervisor) year 3
Dan Webster (DFE funded) Art and ad spaces (2nd supervisor) year 3
John Erwin (self funded) Emotions and tourism in Northern Ireland (1st supervisor) year 2
Discover More
- Faculty of Engineering and Physical Science
- School of Natural and Built Environment
- The Senator George J Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice