Research Interests
- Healthy Places: Understanding the impact of design of cities, public spaces, streets on health and well-being.
- Active Living: Studying characteristics of walkable environments and influences on health behaviours (physical activity, recreation), travel decisions, commuting mode choices.
- Sustainable Lifestyles: Promoting the proactive designing of environments that nudge people to make healthier selections while retaining freedom of choice.
- Urban Transformations: Interventions to provide equitable access to urban infrastructure, amenities, services (e.g., affordable housing, clean water, food, improved sanitation).
Current Research Opportunities
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of an advanced metal matrix composite with ultrafine particle reinforcement for manufacturing aerospace components
- Babbitt/aluminium composite material with enhanced tribological and mechanical characteristics
- Electroless high entropy alloy coatings for energy storage applications
- Improving the shrinkage behaviour and efflorescence formation of low carbon geopolymer concrete