Events and Visiting Scholars

The Eaton Lecture
The Eaton Lecture at Queen’s is a distinguished annual event, hosted by Queen’s University Belfast and funded through the generosity of an endowment from the Catherine and Fredrik Eaton Foundation.
Professor Mary Condon, Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School (York University, Toronto) will deliver the 2020 Eaton Lecture on May 14th, 6.30pm in the Great Hall at Stormont's Parliament Buildings. Professor Condon, a former vice-chair of the Ontario Securities Commission, is an internationally renowned expert on the regulation of securities markets, investment funds, online investing and pensions policy. This event will be run in partnership with the Chief Executives Club at Queen's and the Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland. Further details of the event will be posted here shortly.
In 2018 in the Eaton Lecture was delivered by The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario (pictured, below). Ms. Dowdeswell served as the Deputy Minister of Culture and Youth for the Government of Saskatchewan, before going on to hold increasingly senior positions in the Canadian public service, after which she served as Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme. Her Eaton Lecture addressed 'Sustainability and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals'. It was organised by the Centre of Canadian Studies in partnership with Queen's Centre of Sustainability and Environmental Governance.
In 2017 the Eaton Lecture was delivered by Professor Meric Gertler, President of the University of Toronto. President Gertler, an internationally renowned expert on the economic dynamism of city-regions, spoke on ‘Universities and Urban Regions: A Partnership for Prosperity’.
A recording of his lecture is available and also of a panel discussion with Professor Bjorn Asheim (University of Stavanger), Professor Kevin Morgan (Cardiff University), Ms. Suzanne Wylie (Belfast City Council), Dr Joanne Stuart (Catalyst NI), Dr Linda Fox-Rogers (QUB) and William Crawley (BBC). The event was run in association with the Chief Executives’ Club at Queens and drew together over 140 participants in the University’s Great Hall.
The first Eaton Lecture was delivered by Frederick S. Eaton in 1994. Since then, speakers have included: Beverley McLachlin (Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Canada); Naomi Klein (author, columnist, social activist); John Ralston Saul (essayist, novelist, president of PEN); Jean Charest (Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, Premier of Quebec); John de Chastelain (General, Chief of Defence Staff, Ambassador to US); Indira Samarasekera (President of the University of Alberta); Professor Meric Gertler (President of the University of Toronto); and Ed Schreyer (Premier of Manitoba, Governor General of Canada).
Distinguished Visiting Scholars
In association with the School of Natural and Built Environment, the Centre has hosted visits from distinguished Canadian scholars to support and develop international collaborative research projects.
Past visiting scholars have included: David Ley (University of British Columbia); Nick Bromley (Simon Fraser University); Anne Godlewska (Queen’s University, Kingston); Tim Paterson (Carleton University); Derek Gregory (University of British Columbia); Jamie Peck (University of British Columbia); Trevor Barnes (University of British Columbia).