Funding Information

Funding for Canadian Studies
The Government of Canada and several private agencies offer grants to foreign nationals and Canadians to study in Canada and abroad. Below you will find a list of popular grants/scholarships for students and faculty in the United Kingdom to do research on Canada (including Canadians studying in the U.K.). The list is not exhaustive, and you should visit the websites for information on new or additional funding opportunities.
Ireland Canada University Foundation
The ICUF awards the Dobbin Scholarships to both Irish and Canadian scholars and academics whose research contributes to the academic and cultural links between Canada and Ireland. In addition it offers the James M. Flaherty Scholarship for PhD Students and postdoctoral academics embarking upon a research career to support short research visits of two to six weeks and the James M. Flaherty Visiting Professorship for established researchers or academics.
British Association for Canadian Studies
BSCS offers several awards for faculty and students, including the BACS Travel Awards (research, travel); Ontario Bicentennial Travel Awards (research, travel), and the Prix du Québec (research).
Foundation for Canadian Studies in the United Kingdom
The Foundation offers several grants for faculty, students and institutions, including the Canada/UK Partnership Program, Sustained Studies in Contemporary Canadian Issues Program, Canadian Studies Development Program, Publication Fund, the Small Grants Program, the postgraduate travel award, and the UK doctoral studentship program.
The Institute of Social and Economic Research
J.R. Smallwood Foundation
Scholarships and research funding for students and faculty conducting research relating to the study of Newfoundland.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council*SSHRC is Canada’s primary funding agency for the social sciences and humanities. Most of the grants are only available to citizens and permanent residents of Canada, although some faculty and students can apply for a few grants if they are affiliated with a Canadian institution or researcher. Canadian citizens or residents studying in the UK can apply for these grants.
Association of Commonwealth Universities
Administers grants for studying in Canada (for students from the United Kingdom) and offers some useful services on its website. This includes The Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program and the Canada Memorial Scholarship Progamme. For example, the Canada Memorial Foundation offers a small number of awards annually to British post-graduate students to study in Canada for one year. The awards are in memory of the 1 million Canadians who served with Great Britain during the First and Second World Wars.
The Canadian Bureau for International Education
Several generous scholarships for Canadian citizens wishing to study abroad.
Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship
These scholarships (includes Academic Year/Multi-Year/Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarships) aim to further international understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries. During the time abroad, Rotary scholars are expected to be ambassadors of goodwill through presentations to Rotary clubs and districts, school and civic organizations.
Trudeau Scholars Program
The Program grants up to fifteen new scholarships every year to outstanding doctoral candidates in the social sciences and humanities. The Foundation supports doctoral candidates pursuing research of compelling present-day concern, touching upon one or more of the four themes of the Foundation. Trudeau Scholars are actively engaged in their fields, in which they are expected to become leading national and international figures. The Trudeau scholarships are among the most competitive in the country, but they are also very well supported. Each student receives very generous research support in addition to the initial grant.
Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, Graduate Student Assistance Program
The Society continues its Graduate Student Assistance programme intended to offer some financial assistance to graduate students doing research in Canadian legal history to travel to out-of-town archives.