Archaeology/Palaeoecology achieves accreditation

ArcPal has now achieved accredited pathway status through the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) and University Archaeology UK (UAUK).
ArcPal is now the first UK department, outside of England, to have this accreditation and joins just seven other university departments with this status. The accreditation was developed to provide a career route for the historic environment, as well as fostering strong relations between the commercial sector and academia. Students registered on the accredited pathway will gain membership of both CIfA and the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI).
Further information can be found here -
Many congratulations to Eileen (Murphy) and all of our colleagues in ArcPal for undertaking the dedicated work that has assured ArcPal of this impressive standing. We are extremely proud that all of our disciplines can now claim to be externally accredited.