Interview with a Coordinator of H2020 Projects

Prof Marios Soutsos was invited by the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation to be the Main Guest / Speaker for the Webinar entitled "Interview with a Coordinator of H2020 projects".
The purpose of the Webinar was to encourage the research community in Cyprus to participate more actively in European Framework Programmes. The Webinar took place on July 7, 2020 at 09:00am UK time, and it was attended by 50 people from companies as well as academic institutions in Cyprus. Prof Marios Soutsos gave a short presentation covering his experience in H2020 projects, both during the proposal preparation phase and during the actual projects. The H2020 projects were:
SUStainable, Innovative and Energy-Efficient CONcrete, based on the Integration of All Waste Materials – (SUS-CON)
- FP 7 Collaborative Research,
- Part of a consortium of 17 partners
- Total Funding €6,916,815
- January 2012 – December 2015
REuse and REcycling of CDW Materials and Structures in Energy Efficient pREfabricated Elements for Building REfurbishment and Construction – (RE4)
- EC-Horizon 2020
- Part of a consortium of 12 partners,
- Total Funding €5,117,524.
- November 2016 – February 2020
The participants had the opportunity to ask questions.