QUB Law PhD SRN Collaborative Research Symposium
Learning to collaborate, collaborate to learn.

On Thursday 5 December, the QUB Law PhD Student Research Network (SRN) hosted a collaborative research symposium to enhance collaborative research outputs, encourage collaboration between similar research areas, and establish connections between the PhD cohort and faculty. The student-led SRN aims to provide a space for postgraduate-research students to hear and learn from seasoned academics about the ongoing collaborative research within the School of Law.
The symposium began with an opening speech by Dr Robin Hickey followed by interactive panel discussions featuring collaborative case studies on BrexitLaw NI, Environmental Justice Network Ireland, IP and Creative Industries, and Implementing Truth Commissions’ Recommendations in Latin America. The discussion focused on the importance and value of collaborative research, interdisciplinary projects, and the impact of networking with fellow researchers along with the partnerships of academics, organisations, law firms, and other professionals.