Looking for a Student Mooting Officer
A great opportunity to help shape mooting at Queen's

The Student Mooting Officer will work alongside the Mooting Co-Ordinator, the Student Law Society Mooting Officer and others on the Mooting Team in helping to run the mooting programme during the academic year and in contributing to the future development of this programme.
The post will require a commitment of a total of 100 hours over the current academic year for which the post holder will receive a payment of £12.00 per hour.
Background to the Programme
The QUB School of Law Mooting Programme involves undergraduate and postgraduate law students in the exercise of arguing disputed points of law against an opposing counsel and before a judge. It is perhaps the closest experience that a student can have whilst at university to appearing in court. Mooting involves a number of skills, including legal research, the drafting of written arguments, and oral presentation. In recent years, teams from the School have performed with distinction in external mooting competitions, and we also have a raft of competitive and training activities within the School. Our overall aims are to develop students’ skills in legal research and legal argument and to maintain and build up the reputation of the School in mooting skills.
Application Process
Interested applicants should submit a CV and cover letter to Dr John Taggart (john.taggart@qub.ac.uk) by 5pm Friday 27th September 2024. This should include a passage demonstrating how the candidate meets the essential criteria for the post listed above. Interviews will be held for shortlisted candidates during week commencing 30th October 2024.
- To assist in the organisation of training and support sessions for student participants on the programme.
- To assist in co-ordinating the development of internal and external events associated with the programme.
- To assist in managing the administration of the programme in conjunction with the Mooting Co-ordinator.
- To manage the programme’s online presence, including social media.
- To liaise with the Research Advocates in publicising mooting activities.
- To assist in the development of other advocacy related activities such as mock trials.
Essential Criteria
- The post-holder must be a registered student of Queen’s University Belfast, and either have a law degree or be studying for a law degree.
- Strong organisational skills and the ability to work independently and to deadlines.
- Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to develop good working relations with colleagues, members of professional bodies and other universities.