Impact and Engagement
The school has a long standing reputation for world-leading research in the fields of human rights and public law, innovation and technology, criminology and criminal justice, private and commercial law, European and transnational studies and transitional justice. Our research seeks to engage directly with and reach a wider audience beyond academia. By engaging with policy makers, legislators, third sector organizations, legal practitioners and the wider society, our research strives to shape social and policy debates at the local, national and international level.
The school is deeply committed to producing research that benefits and impacts on society, public policy and the lives of individuals and communities beyond academia. Our research has directly impacted on law, policy and practice and informed the public debate in a number of ways.
The aim of the ‘Research in Focus Series’ is to share the School’s more recent research with the wider public in a succinct and accessible manner.
Dr. Billy Melo Araujo’s research interests focus in the areas of international trade law and EU external trade relations.
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Our academic staff actively engage the public in the development, uptake and the application of their research. We regularly engage with policy makers, civil society organisations, practitioners and professionals, businesses and SMEs.
The school also incorporates public engagement into its teaching. Not only do our students receive insights from academics and legal professionals who are at the forefront of law and policy developments, but we also encourage out students to carry our research that meaningfully engages with public and policy makers.
Age discrimination towards our growing older population is unfortunately commonplace. A previously unresearched aspect of this has been the response of the justice system to older victims of crime.
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Our academics are actively engaged in addressing the key legal and policy challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Covid-19 Research - Read More