Stage Three Product Design Engineering Students Are Joint Winners of Dragon’s Den Competition
![Dragon's Den](/schools/media/Media,665290,en.jpg)
Pictured below are Kieran Kelly, Katie McAvoy, Rebecca Wray & Michael Rauch from the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at Queens who are this year’s joint winners of the Queens University Dragons’ Den competition organised by Enterprise SU. Also pictured (centre) is Colum McLornan from Ruleofcrumb who was one of the Dragons for the event.
Their product, which was developed as part of their Stage 3 MEng group project module, is a device which improves current Electrocardiogram (ECG) practice. The ‘Trace’ band employs reusable dry electrode technology and also eliminates problems associated with tangled leads, misdiagnosis caused by misaligned electrode positioning and improves patient comfort. This is an excellent example of how engineering can have a direct impact on societal wellbeing through the development of better medical technologies. It is another impressive achievement for students from our School. Congratulations!!
Photo L- R: Kieran Kelly, Katie McAvoy, Colum McLornan (Ruleofcrumb) Rebecca Wray & Michael Rauch