EEECS Staff and Leadership Charter and Values Framework Launch
Based upon a recommendation in our Investors in People Silver Accreditation, the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EEECS) set out to define and promote its desired leadership culture.

As well as identifying those behaviours that it believes will help enhance and support colleagues working together as a single community of academic, research, technical and professional services staff. The outworking of this is the EEECS Staff and Leadership Charter and Values Framework. The Charter encourages all staff to reflect on their own behaviours and actions, as well as building confidence to challenge poor behaviours that are not in line with the University’s ICARE values. All staff had an opportunity to contribute to the Charter, through a School-wide consultation process and several externally facilitated workshops.
Following the launch of the Charter, a series of five workshops have been scheduled for all line managers in the School to help identify and share best practice in ‘role modelling’ the ICARE values and to provide an understanding of how their behaviours can impact on the staff they lead. Each workshop will explore behaviours associated with each of the University’s five core values.
The School also intends to do a personality profiling exercise for staff to provide colleagues with an opportunity to gain a better understanding of their own personality, how it can influence their behaviour and approach to work, but perhaps more importantly how it can impact on the behaviour of colleagues with whom they interact. This is intended to be an informal, light-hearted exercise, which will be held during the School’s next staff celebration event.
Through these actions, we believe we will bring the ICARE values to life and ensure that they become fully integrated into our everyday culture across the School.