Gender Equality Committee
Professor Michelle McKinley is the Director of the Gender Equality Office and Chair of the Gender Equality Committee, which consists of female and male members from Centres within the School, representing all staff categories.

We are proud to hold an Athena SWAN Gold award in recognition of the School’s commitment to gender equality. We have a positive, inclusive culture within the School and a dedicated Gender Equality Office and senior management team who continue to champion gender equality and diversity and work together to ensure equality of opportunity for all staff.
Professor Michelle McKinley
School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
The School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences is committed to promoting equality of opportunity in all its functions and will seek to do this by:
- identification of specific gender issues and addressing them
- maintaining mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation and review
- organization of seminars and networking opportunities
- promotion of opportunities for engagement with training/mentoring programmes
- co-ordination of benchmarking activities and award submissions
- developing and maintaining a website presence
- raising awareness and publicity within the School and outside
- working with other UK Medical/Dental Schools to share good practice
- linking with European networks to develop collaborative projects
Professor Michelle McKinley (Chair) | Professor, Centre for Public Health; Director of the Gender Equality Office; SMDBS SWAN Champion |
Dr Jenny Johnston | Centre for Medical Education (CME), SWAN Co-champion, Workshadowing lead |
Dr Jaine Blayney | Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research (PGJCCR) |
Dr Sean Roe | Lecturer (Education), Centre for Biomedical Sciences Education |
Dr Amanda Willis | Clinical Lecturer and Consultant in Oral Medicine, Centre for Dentistry |
Dr Mairead Corrigan | Lecturer (Education); Academic Lead for Equality and Diversity, Centre for Medical Education |
Dr Yvonne Dombrowski | Lecturer & Principle Investigator, Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine |
Dr Una McMenamin | Patrick G. Johnston Fellow, Centre for Public Health |
Dr Adone Tielenius Kruythoff-Mohd Sarip | Lecturer/Principal Investigator (Chromatin Biology), Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research |
Professor Neil Kennedy | Director, Centre for Medical Education |
Professor AJ McKnight | Centre for Public Health, PGR Director |
Dr Philip Dunne | Lecturer, Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research |
Dr Richard Turkington | Clinical Senior Lecturer, Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research |
Dr Cecilia McCluskey | PGJCCR, Technical staff Rep |
Elaine Graham | CME, Academic related Rep |
Amanda Jackson | CD, Academic related Rep |
Dr Qing Wen | CPH, Postdoctoral Rep |
Carole Daly | CEM, PGR Rep |
Dr Charlene McShane | School Staff Council representative |
Dr Eiman Abdel Meguid | School Staff Council representative |
Catherine Gallagher | UG Medicine representative |
Olivia Litter | UG Biomedical Science representative |
Maeve McAllister | UG Dentistry Representative |
Carolyn Fitzmaurice | Faculty Data Analyst, Faculty Office MHLS |
Andrew Harvey | Faculty Equality Coordinator, Faculty Office MHLS |