Queen’s crowned winner of All-Ireland Interprofessional Healthcare Challenge for Students
Queen’s University Belfast has been crowned the winner of the All-Ireland Interprofessional Healthcare Challenge for Students 2022.

The All-Ireland Interprofessional Healthcare Challenge (AIPEC) is an intervarsity competition which provides an opportunity for students from all health disciplines to work collaboratively with colleagues from different professions to meet a challenge set around complex care issues.
The Queen’s University students were announced as the winners at the final of the competition held on Wednesday 23 March. The winning team was made up of students from social work, medicine, nursing and pharmacy including Alexander Bennett, Year 3 social work student; Conór McAvoy, Year 4 pharmacy student; Danielle McConnell, Year 2 professional nursing (adult) student; Emma Norris, Year 3 medicine student; and Zina Al-Kaisy, Year 4 medicine student.
The event had representation from competing teams all over the island of Ireland, including University College Cork, University of Limerick, NUI Galway, Trinity College Dublin, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland and University College Dublin. This was Queen’s first time to participate in the competition.
Each university took part in sharing their presentations on their approach to a patient care plan. The chosen case study focused on a woman admitted to hospital from a nursing home, who has a number of health, social and psychological needs. At the event, students presented their plan to a panel of judges who decided which team demonstrated the most expertise in teamwork and collaboration.
Speaking on the award, Dr Paul McCague, MPharm Director for Student Engagement and Support from the School of Pharmacy at Queen’s University, said: “I am very proud of this amazing group of students who have won the 2022 All-Ireland Interprofessional Healthcare Challenge. It is inspiring to see the collaborative and person-centered approach the team have adopted for the patient case. Congratulations to Conór, Emma, Alex, Zina and Danielle on representing Queen’s at this prestigious event.”
The winning performance can be viewed here.
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