
INSPIRE Mentoring Scheme
The INSPIRE Mentoring Scheme is intended to support and nurture medical and dental students who may be considering a career in academic medicine.
Mentees on the scheme will be matched with a more senior mentor from within the School. More senior members of academic or clinical academic staff are engaged and able to draw on their experience when acting as a mentor, in order to maximise the value of the scheme for mentees. Mentees will meet regularly with their mentor during scheduled meetings, where they will have a chance to reflect and discuss any aspect of their professional, personal and career development which might be helpful, in confidence.
School Mentoring Scheme
The School mentoring scheme is intended to support and nurture early and mid-career research. Mentees on the scheme will be matched with a senior mentor from another Centre within the School. Senior members of academic staff are engaged and able to draw on their experience when acting as a mentor, in order to maximise the value of the scheme for mentees. Mentees will meet regularly with their mentor during scheduled meetings, where they will have a chance to reflect and discuss any aspect of their professional, personal and career development which might be helpful, in confidence.