Open Call to SHC Students!
The Seamus Heaney Centre have been invited to create a new weekly radio programme for SARC Radio.
The Sonic Arts Research Centre at Queen's (SARC) are starting their own online radio station, playing music and sound art from their extensive archives, alongside regular features highlighting new work and new ideas from across the University. They have invited us to contribute with a regular programme celebrating new writing in all its forms.
Heaney's Half Hour could be a review show, a curated programme of readings, a one-off or serialised radio drama, a literary panel show, a Book Club, or any other format that reflects the work of the Seamus Heaney Centre at Queen's.
And so....
Please submit your idea to include the following information:
- Your name and contact details*
- Any collaborators? (bearing in mind we have a whole University filled with experts)
- A brief description of your proposal (approx 200 words)
- Duration of your piece (anywhere between 15-45mins)
- Is it a regular feature (weekly/monthly) or a one-off episode?
- Do you need any resources (eg actors/musicians)?
- Are you happy to record on campus (support would be provided)?
Send to:
Deadline: This opportunity is ongoing, but please submit ideas ASAP so we can gauge interest.
*Submissions open to students and staff associated with the Seamus Heaeny Centre at Queen's - collaboration across disciplines and subject areas is always encouraged!