Our Graduates
Where are they now?
Our graduates are well prepared for careers in Social Sciences, Education and Social Work.

"I thoroughly enjoyed my time on the MRes. The exceptionally well-delivered course exposed me to a broad range of research methodologies and statistical concepts, as well as affording me practical experience in areas such as qualitative interviewing and ethical review. This diverse programme of study will not only provide a firm foundation for students who wish to progress further into academia, but also appeal to those who are simply convinced of the power of data and want to translate this fascination into a future in evidence-based policy making." Andrew Patterson
BA Criminology, MRes Social Science Research
Statistics and Research Officer, NISRA at the Executive Office

The course combines university-based tuition covering topics such as learning barriers, classroom management, pastoral care, diversity and inclusion, along with school placements to put teaching into practice. Regular communication and observations whilst on placement provided support, constructive feedback and agreed areas for improvement for professional development. I thoroughly enjoyed my time on placement and building relationships with pupils, enabling them to develop and blossom within the classroom. Tori Coulter
PGCE Science
Science Teacher, Ballymena Academy

The PGCE is a fast-paced course and every day of learning counts. When I read the handbooks, I initially felt overwhelmed by the amount of content, but my concerns were quickly alleviated by the competence and assurances of the staff, in introducing teaching and managing each module. The course is challenging and intense but is excellently designed to ensure you actively learn and develop and are supported to gain in-depth professional training to become a reflective practitioner. Merle Patterson
PGCE Religious Education

"Take every opportunity you can get and don’t be afraid to go ‘across the water’ for work. The experience, rapid promotion and difference in the schooling systems make for a great experience and can actually work in your favour." Mark McCullough
PGCE Modern Languages (French)
Principal, The Rainey Endowed School

"After completing a BA and an MSSc at Queen’s, I worked for the NIACRO for five years before returning to Queen’s to undertake a PGCE. This hugely rewarding experience inspired me to undertake a PhD as the perfect opportunity to combine a passion for education with my background in criminal justice." Gavin Duffy
Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work

"Every year the prevalence of autism is rising and the world needs well qualified professionals in Autism Spectrum Disorders. I have improved my teaching skills and I want to share my knowledge with my colleagues in Pakistan." Muhammad Ahmad
MSc Autism Spectrum Disorders
Social Policy

“Social Policy offered us a unique insight into various realms of social life, such as the family, the judicial system and the health care system. This enabled me to understand how these social realms are interconnected and opened my eyes to the impact they have on the trajectory of my own life. I was taught by academics that are truly passionate about their field and who set coursework which was exceptionally varied, designed with employability skills in mind.’’ Erin Delaney
BA Social Policy & Sociology, MRes Social Science
Public Affairs Consultant, Stratagem
Social Work

“I was involved in the Department for Employment and Learning's Widening Participation 'Reach Higher' campaign. The Widening Participation Unit focuses on encouraging and supporting people who have the ability, motivation and potential to succeed at university, but who come from groups that are currently under-represented." Lindsay McCord
BSW Social Work

“The course has been one of the best that I have ever done. It has not only helped me to develop professionally but also on a personal level which has been significant within my role. I believe that the development of my systemic thinking and practice has had a positive impact on those with whom I work. It has allowed me to broaden my thinking and provided me with valuable skills which have enabled me to maximise and promote the therapeutic potential within interactions - which is so significant within my role in residential care, not only with the young people but also with their families." Liane Bonnar
PgCert Systemic Practice and Family Therapy
Residential Social Worker

“The Diploma opened up new ways of understanding, thinking about, and working with relationships. The course is well structured and varied, consisting of theory and research, lectures, group work, and practical experience. There were people from many different professions in my class and we were all able to integrate systemic practice into our individual work contexts. The systemic approach acts as a useful framework in my music therapy practice. Completing the course has given me the confidence and skills to work therapeutically with the relational contexts of clients’ lives." Lorraine Glenn
PgDip Systemic Practice and Family Therapy
Music Therapist

"Studying the BA Sociology provided me with the knowledge and skills to understand social experience and to develop a broad range of transferable skills. Studying and practicing both quantitative and qualitative research methods has opened career opportunities in the public sector as a Data Analyst, in both local government and emergency services, before coming back and now working for Queen’s University as an Information Analyst." Aideen O'Hanlon
BA Sociology
Information Analyst, Queen’s University Belfast

"I developed practical skills in my quantitative methods modules that were transferable and directly applicable to the workplace. I did a six week placement in Ipsos MORI which gave me experience of applying the skills I was learning in class to the workplace." Hannah Louise Keenan
BA Sociology with Quantitative Methods
Analyst, TP ICAP

"After studying at QUB during my Erasmus in 2018-2019, I decided to come back because I feel so attached to the place, but also the people. While the year was filled with unexpected and unprecedented events, the MRes has truly allowed me to deepen my interest for the field of research and orient myself back to the social sciences. It has really shaped my interests for the future, and hopefully, for my career. I hope to come back soon and be able to celebrate graduation in post-covid times with my classmates!" Sasha Lambert
MRes Social Science Research