Queen's University Social Work Degree ranked No.1 in UK

The Social Work team at Queen’s University Belfast is delighted to note that our Social Work undergraduate degree is ranked number one in the Complete University Guide rankings 2023. The ranking reflects the commitment of the Social Work team in the School of SSESW to delivering a dynamic, high quality, responsive teaching and learning experience which, highly rated by students, enables them to reach their potential.
Director of Undergraduate Education, Dr John Topping, commented on the news: ‘At SSESW, we pride ourselves on the quality of the student experience. I am delighted that our Social Work provision has been ranked number one in the UK in the Complete University Guide. It is a real testament to the time and energy invested by our Social Work team to bring students the best possible experience. Through research-led teaching and placement opportunities, the Social Work degree really prepares students to meet the demands of the modern profession.’
Social Work subject lead, Professor Karen Winter, added: ‘Delivered within the unique context of Northern Ireland, our wide range of placement opportunities sourced from our strong, positive relationships with regional organisations, help further develop students’ abilities and strengths. These, together with opportunities to meet international social work students, and to engage with up to date, cutting edge social work research carried out by the team, place students in an excellent position with regards to future employment prospects.’