Family Drug and Alcohol Courts - webinar by Dr Anne Campbell

School of SSESW academic Anne Campbell (Social Work) hosted a webinar earlier this month for the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP). For an audience of more than 300 professionals from 67 countries, Anne outlined SSESW research conducted by herself, Davy Hayes and Sharon Millen in the form of a pilot study initiated by the Dept of Justice in Northern Ireland in conjunction with Health and Social Care Trusts. It centres on Family Drug and Alcohol Courts (FDAC) in Northern Ireland, an alternative, problem-solving approach to care proceedings where problematic parental substance use is a key factor in initiating proceedings. Anne outlined the context, focus and process of the FDACs and the interventions and trauma-informed systemic family therapy involved. The webinar recording can be viewed on the ISSUP website.
Dr Anne Campbell is Co-Director of our Drugs and Alcohol Research Network and is Co-Chair of the UK Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs.