Framing Ageing Symposium

Call for Papers
Framing Ageing Symposium: One-day workshop for early career scholars
School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast, Wednesday 14 December 2022
Framing Ageing is an international clinical, cultural and social dialogue which facilitates methodological exchange between geriatricians, gerontologists, humanities researchers, social scientists, and practitioners, who can benefit from transdisciplinary collaboration. This network brings its first Early Career Researcher (ECR) one-day symposium to Queen’s University Belfast on 14 December 2022. Hosted by our ARK Ageing Programme and the Science and Culture Research Group at Queen’s University, this free event will provide ECRs in disciplines related to human ageing with opportunities to present their work, receive feedback from senior scholars and join an international network.
Keynote speaker Hannah Zeilig, University of the Arts, London, will open the symposium and provide feedback to participants throughout the day. Her work, which has explored the complicated ways in which our culture deals with dementia, will provide inspiration to ECRs on how to develop interdisciplinary research on ageing. Other senior scholars providing feedback on the day include medical gerontologist and co-organiser of Framing Ageing network, Professor Des O’Neill, Trinity College Dublin, cultural gerontologist Dr Gemma Carney, historian and material culture specialist Dr Leonie Hannan and liberal arts lecturer Dr Sophie Cooper, all from Queen’s University Belfast.
Queen’s offers a conducive research environment for this event with in-house expertise represented by the Science and Culture Research Group, which connects scholars from diverse disciplines around themes such as ageing. Early career participants will therefore benefit from exchanges not just with relevant disciplines but also from joining a network of researchers experienced in working across and between the arts, humanities and social sciences.
Early career scholars (PhD students, lecturers or postdocs) from any university whose work could be described as the interdisciplinary study of ageing are warmly invited to submit a 250 word abstract to SSESW academic Dr Gemma Carney at before 4pm on 31 October 2022. Please list at least two disciplines you are working across and include your contact details and institutional affiliation on the title page.