School Celebrates Outstanding REF 2021 Results
We are delighted that both the UoAs within the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work feature in the top 20 of the Research Excellence Framework 2021 as featured in the Times Higher Education REF 2021 subject rankings.

Over 83% of research submitted to REF2021 across two Units of Assessment (UoAs) within the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work was judged to be World Leading or Internationally Excellent. We are delighted that our School’s work in Education, Criminology, Social Policy, Sociology and Social Work has been recognised in this important exercise. It is further endorsement of the depth and breadth in quality of our research.
The School’s research, as validated by the REF results, is impacting on societies, economies, health and cultures, from local communities to global populations.
Over 83% of research submitted to REF2021 by colleagues based in the Education Unit of Assessment was judged to be World Leading or Internationally Excellent by a peer review panel. This is an endorsement of the quality of our research and its translation into real world impacts in areas such as educational equality, children’s rights, shared education, and our commitment to partnership with colleagues in schools, the community and with parents. Education has been ranked at 16th (Times Higher Education UoA table).
Over 88% of research submitted by colleagues from Criminology, Social Policy, Sociology and Social Work to the Social Policy and Social Work Unit of Assessment was similarly judged to be World Leading or Internationally Excellent. An endorsement of the quality of our research and its impacts in areas such as the penal system, mental health and trauma; work once again achieved through work undertaken in partnership with the health, social care and criminal justice sectors. Social Work and Social Policy (including Sociology and Criminology) has been ranked at 12th (Times Higher Education Social Work and Social Policy UoA table).
We are proud of the standard and impact of research by every member of staff within the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work.
These results are part of a whole School effort, including our dedicated researchers, our non-research active academic colleagues, professional services and valued external partners. Recognition through REF is only possible through the support of this entire ecosystem.
- How Queen’s shapes worlds through research.
- More information on the University’s REF 2021 results.
- Ranking tables are available on the Times Higher Education REF2021 pages
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