Launch of Reflections: Family Support

School of SSESW colleagues have collaborated with social work practitioners, policy makers and service users to produce Reflections: Family Support. This is the latest in the Reflections Series, published by the Department of Health (DoH), and aims to help social workers to develop and improve their work with families, children and young people.
At a launch event hosted by the Northern Ireland Social Care Council, SSESW academic Mandi MacDonald, co-author of the publication, outlined the key principles of Family Support, helping social workers understand the relevance of these concepts for their work with children and families. The launch seminar was addressed by Peter May, Permanent Secretary, Department of Health, and Aine Morrison, Chief Social Worker, DoH, and included presentations from social workers and parents with lived experience of Family Support services, giving attendees new insights and practical strategies for their work.
Reflections: Family Support outlines principles and approaches for Family Support within the Northern Ireland strategic context, and highlights what families say works best for them. It aims to inspire social workers and social care workers to deepen their knowledge and expertise in Family Support, which could lead to improved outcomes for the families they work with.
The publication is available at Reflections: Family Support on the DoH website.