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Cristian Pons-seres de Brauwer (ESR 9)

National-EU Regimes

The tendency towards using competitive tendering schemes as a preferred form for the implementation of renewable energy generation is driven by the desire to reduce costs. However, this favours financially strong developers because projects need to be developed further to be able to take part in the tendering. The concern is that smaller, locally-based, organisations will not be able to take part in this manner of tendering, reducing the influence, and hence acceptance, of local communities. This project’s objective is to look at how competitive tendering schemes are implemented in different countries and how different actors at various scales react to and co-shape the process, for both new and re-powering projects. It will examine how the EU’s market-oriented policies for energy transition are implemented nationally and how it relates to questions of energy justice and energy democracy.

The research will identify the impacts of different tendering schemes on an actor’s ability to participate, and provide suggestions for the design of more collaborative tendering schemes allowing for more local engagement, investment, commercial development and employment.

3 minute project introduction

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Cris' supervisors

Dr Niels-Erik Clausen
Associate Professor
Department of Wind Energy
Technical University of Denmark

Dr Laura Tolnov Clausen
Department of Wind Energy
Technical University of Denmark

Tom Cronin
Special Advisor
Department of Wind Energy
Technical University of Denmark

Professor Geraint Ellis
School of Natural and Built Environment
Queen’s University Belfast