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Sophia Küpers (ESR 7)

People’s Responses to Large-Scale Renewable Energy Generation and Associated Infrastructures: A socio-historical approach

Project keywords: people's responses, socio-historical perspective, collective memory, past energy landscapes, hydro energy, wind energy, justice, social representations

Research on the social acceptance of renewable energy technologies (RET) normally examines people’s responses to infrastructures that will be constructed near the place where they live, right before construction or during it. Research that explores how people relate with those infrastructures years after they have been deployed is scarce. In the same vein, research examining how countries have negotiated, incorporated and dealt with different types of energy infrastructures and systems in their history, has been neglected. This project will examine the socio-historical dimension of RET at local and national levels. Data collection will be based on narrative interviews, personal diaries, and documental analysis, and performed through a cross-cultural approach, with data being collected in Portugal and the UK.

The project will enable a contribution to better understand present and future relations and practices with RET at local and national levels, contribute to explicitly include the socio-historical dimension of the social acceptance of RET in academic research, planning and policy-making and produce a policy toolkit on how to consider the socio-historical dimension of people’s responses to RET.

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3 minute project introduction

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Sophia's supervisors

Dr Susana Batel
Assistant Professor
Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention

Dr Nuno Madureira
Associate Professor
Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology

Dr Margarida Fontes
Assistant Researcher

Professor Geraint Ellis
School of Natural and Built Environment
Queen’s University Belfast