Staff and students join together for QUB Transgender Awareness Session
Over 60 staff and students from across the University recently attended two Transgender Awareness Training sessions on campus.

Over the last month, the University has successfully delivered two Trans Equality Training Sessions to University students and staff.
We are delighted to report that over 60 students and staff attended both sessions which was co-delivered by the Students’ Union, the Equality and Diversity Unit and SAIL NI (a local Trans Support Network) and feedback received has been very positive.
The University's Trans Equality Policy sets out our clear commitment to ensuring our campus is a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for all genders. Delivering awareness training around Transgender issues is part of our approach to ensuring our students and staff are appropriately informed and trained on various aspects of this particularly complex and sensitive issue.
This is why we have engaged with SAIL NI - a local Trans Support and Advocacy Network - to help deliver the training on campus. Simon and Ellen from SAIL NI are experienced trainers and take a very practical and direct approach to getting key messages across.
Whether attending to learn about this subject so they could support workmates, classmates, employees, or for personal interest, staff and students unanimously said they learnt a huge amount in the short session.
We were delighted to see that all attendees who provided feedback would recommend the training to others. Some commented that the training was “thought-provoking” and “helpful”. Many appreciated the “clarity on terminology and language”, “use of pronouns” with one person saying “it was extremely informative” and “laid a solid foundation for people with little knowledge on the topic.”
Most people requested a longer session with a few people suggesting that either a Q&A session or group activity might help tease out more discussion. Quite a number of people expressed that they had very “little idea of the prejudice, issues and challenges” faced by the trans community but were glad that advice and support now seemed to be available.
If you, your team or your Department or School would be interested in delivering Transgender Awareness Training locally, please contact the Equality and Diversity Unit for a discussion.
Slides from the training session are available here: SAIL NI slides FE Colleges.