The Faculty of EPS will, on occasion, require temporary technical support. Applicants on the casual register will provide short-term cover for employment gaps as a result of sickness absence, holidays, special projects, etc. The period of engagement for casual technicians may extend up to a maximum of 12 weeks.
To register your interest for casual electrical, mechanical, IT and general lab technicians please register for QWork via the link below and highlight your job preferences within your profile.
Through QWork, you can register your interest in working on a casual basis on QUB Campus, view opportunities, apply for and manage your assignments, accessible from anywhere at any time through QWork portal.
How do I register to undertake casual work in QUB?
If you wish to undertake casual work on campus you should follow QWork link to register on the system - https://www.q-work.co.uk/
QWork performs best using the latest version of Google Chrome.
On the website you will see the below page. Click on red button ‘Join QWork’, it will direct you to either student / non student registration, please chose the one relevant to you by clicking on the photo above the details to progress to registration.
You will need (as a minimum):
- Personal Details including UK address and Postcode
- National Insurance Number (If you do not have a NINO, you can add a Temporary number in format TN 010101 M (Temporary Number, DOB, Male\Female). For further information on applying for a NI Number:
As soon as your NINO is available, please send it to QWorkAdmin@qub.ac.uk to ensure your tax and NIC calculations are accurate.
- UK Bank details
You MUST input your bank account details to ensure you can progress in the registration and to ensure you can be paid.
Once you are fully registered you will receive a Welcome Email from QWork detailing how to complete your Right to Work check. Please check your junk mail.
You must have completed the registration process in full to receive the Welcome email.
For further details and any queries relating to this please contact: qworkrecruitment@qub.ac.uk