Welcoming the launch of the Northern Ireland Rare Diseases Action Plan 2022/23
This action plan sets out 14 key Actions for development during 2022/23. Many of these actions have been driven and / or informed by multidisciplinary research conducted directly in partnership with local rare disease communities.

We are delighted that this action plan encompasses so many of the elements prioritised at our May 2020 workshop, which was funded by the ESRC
Workshop report - prioritizing recommendations, May 2020 with the link to the actual report: Workshop report, May 2020 for prioritizing recommendations
ESRC impact acceleration award
Doh-ni-rare-diseases-action-plan-2223.pdf (health-ni.gov.uk)
Prof McKnight says, "Building on the successes from our 2015-2020 rare disease implementation plan, I am delighted to have contributed to developing this NI action plan and look forward to helping deliver many of the actions that are so critically needed by our local rare disease community."

For more information, please do get in touch via email