The Precision Medicine Centre of Excellence (PMC) is a new clinical laboratory based in the Health Sciences campus at Queen’s University Belfast.
The laboratory is housed in a 563m2 floorspace in the Health Sciences building, boasting state-of-the-art technology, which will fully integrate high-throughput genomics, artificial intelligence and big data analytics.
Employing nearly 30 data analysts and scientists, the Centre aims to build on the University's internationally recognised strengths in oncology research and explore the potential for precision medicine to create individually tailored and personalised diagnostics and treatments for patients, thereby improving patient outcomes.
This tour will give you an insight into the leading research that takes place there and the potential for advances in patient care that Precision Medicine affords.
This tour includes:
- An overview of the role of the Precision Medicine Centre of Excellence and the ways in which its innovative work aims to improve patient outcomes.
- An overview of the high-performance equipment and software being used in the three key areas of Genomics, Tissue Hybridisation and Digital Pathology, and Bioinformatics.
Did you know?
- Integrating high-throughput genomics, AI and big data analytics, the laboratory has already attracted over £4m in funding to the local economy.