Athena SWAN Success
Queen’s remains one of the leading institutions in the UK for its work on gender equality following the latest round of Athena SWAN Awards.

Five Schools have been recognised for their commitment to gender equality and career progression. They are:
- Biological Sciences - renewal of Gold award
- Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences - renewal of Silver award
- Education – Bronze award
- Politics, International Studies and Philosophy – Bronze award
- History and Anthropology – Bronze award
These latest awards build on our success from earlier this year when we became one of the first universities to receive Athena SWAN awards for non-STEMM subjects.
In addition to its Institutional Silver Award, the University now holds 15 departmental awards, including two gold, eight silver and five bronze.
Chair of the University SWAN Steering Group Professor Tom Millar said: “I am absolutely delighted that this set of three new departmental awards in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and the renewals of Silver and Gold to the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences and Biological Sciences, respectively, reflects the centrality of the Athena SWAN charter to promoting women’s careers in Queen’s.
“The awards represent a glowing testimony to the enormous amount of work undertaken by academic and research staff and by undergraduate and postgraduate students in our Schools in promoting gender equality. They reinforce the fact that Queen's is one of the leading institutions in the UK for its work on gender equality."
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